
Dental Care Tips For A Healthy Mouth

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Dental Care Tips For A Healthy Mouth

If you need information on proper dental care for you and your family or want to learn how to prevent periodontal disease, browse our large selection of blog posts and scientific articles. By doing so, you'll learn why certain chronic diseases such as diabetes and autoimmune disorders can predispose you to dental decay and gingivitis and which medications can cause dry mouth. When your mouth is too always dry, you may be at a higher risk for gum infections and cavities. While browsing our website, you'll also get some helpful tips on how to prevent dry mouth through simple interventions.


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Probable Causes of Your Child's Toothache

Toothaches are a common problem that children face, and as a parent, it is important to understand the probable causes of your child's toothache. When your child experiences a toothache, it can cause discomfort and irritability, and interfere with their daily activities. Fortunately, with proper knowledge of the probable causes of toothaches, you can help your child find relief from pain.

Tooth Decay

The most probable cause of toothache in children is tooth decay. The decay can occur when the bacteria in your child's mouth builds up on teeth and forms plaque. Over time, the plaque can weaken the tooth enamel, leading to cavities, which can cause a toothache. Teaching your child regular brushing habits and limiting the amount of sugary drinks and foods can prevent tooth decay.

Dental Trauma

If your child has undergone trauma such as a fall or accident, this can result in toothaches. Such traumas may cause a tooth to crack, fracture, dislodge, or fall out. Any of these problems can cause severe pain and should not be ignored. If your child experiences dental trauma, take them to the dentist immediately.

Gum Diseases

Gum diseases are a probable cause of toothache in children. If the gums become inflamed, this can result in pain. This can be caused by poor hygiene, which leads to the build-up of plaque and bacteria. If not treated in time, it can develop into a more severe problem, such as periodontitis, which affects the bone that supports the teeth and leads to tooth loss.


Orthodontic procedures such as the installation of braces can cause toothaches. The procedure is painful because the brackets and wires on the teeth create pressure that moves the teeth into their correct position. Advise your child to avoid hard foods and to use a soft-bristled toothbrush while using orthodontic appliances.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When the wisdom teeth begin to emerge, they can cause severe toothache. The pain is usually a result of crowding on the other teeth. It can lead to swelling gums, inflammation, and sometimes, an infection. In such cases, visit your dentist, who may recommend the removal of the wisdom teeth.

Toothaches in children can cause a lot of discomfort and can be frightening for your child. Determining the cause of the toothache can help resolve the issue and alleviate any anxiety or pain that your child may be experiencing. Ensure your child brushes and flosses their teeth daily and reduce their intake of sugary foods and drinks. Visiting the dentist regularly is also essential for preventative measures and early detection of any problems. If your child has a toothache, reach out to a dentist in your area for more information.